Welcome to Oatlands Primary School. At Oatlands we exist to inspire every student to achieve their potential through an enriching and nurturing school environment. Our core values are respect, effort, kindness, resilience and creativity. At Oatlands we are all responsible for upholding these core values as we develop and grow as lifelong learners.
Through our focus on excellence at Oatlands Primary School, we develop the whole student academically, socially and emotionally, along with the confidence and leadership ability of our students. The main focus is the educational and social growth of our students, with priorities in the teaching and learning of English and Mathematics. Our staff assume a collective responsibility for the learning, personal and social growth of every student. Student wellbeing is a priority and is supported by a range of programs and proactive strategies. At Oatlands we utilise the URSTRONG Friendology program that build students’ capacity to develop friendships in a positive manner. We have educational psychologists and speech pathologists who are able to conduct assessments, run programs and consult with teachers to best support our students. We also have a range of programs available for students if they are not progressing as quickly as expected. There is an ongoing commitment to, and encouragement of, parental participation in programs and activities throughout the school.
At Oatlands our specialist areas include Digital Technology, Language (Italian and Japanese), Art, Physical Education, along with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). We have a range of different extension and enrichment programs to help ensure our students have opportunities to develop their potential including literacy and numeracy extension within the classroom, Maths Extension, Chess Club, Coding Club, along with keyboard and guitar lessons. We have a fully functional Classroom Kitchen, an indoor Gymnasium, artificial turf oval, two undercover basketball and netball courts and four different playgrounds for our students (Prep Pirate Ship Playground, Grade 1-2, Grade 3-5 and Grade 5-6 Climbing Pyramid Playground).
We look forward to working with you in a positive partnership between school and home so that our students are able to achieve their full potential.
Wes Holloway

Empowering teachers and students for a brighter future.
Oatlands Primary School’s communication portal.
Please contact the school office for further details.
Online ordering system for school lunch orders.
For more details, please visit the Flexischools website here.